Monday, October 9, 2017

Flying through Fall in the Library

Hello! The first month of school has flown by in the Library! 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes have been learning and practicing library skills and exploring a variety of books through read-alouds.  5th grade has also had a special focus on digital literacy.  Some highlights:

3rd graders have been exploring and learning how to navigate different sections of the Library. Last week, we read Infinity and Me by Kate Hosford. The main character is a bit overwhelmed as she explores the concept of infinity, but finds reassurance and inspiration from her friends and family. There's no question Dewey helped us out by bringing order to our libraries!

In 4th grade, building off their visit to Merrymeeting Bay, students created a collaborative "picture" of the Bay and we made predictions about what kinds of stories, characters and conflicts could be set on a Bay. We read the opening chapter of The Girl from Felony Bay by J.E. Thompson; students agreed the tough and passionate main character was clearly a product of her surroundings.
Finally, 5th grade has been delving into Digital Citizenship, with activities and topics from Common Sense media. We have set six expectations for technology use, aligning with our school's rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.

During an earlier activity (left) examining and analyzing a historic map of Augusta, Maine, students were able to use evidence from the map to make arguments about audience and author's purpose. These literacy skills are foundational to students' responsible use of all kinds of texts - online and offline!

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